Be a Producer

Gather a body of knowledge on which you can secure intellectual property.

Create a base ontology

An ontology defines the axioms that guides this personality interactions.

Start the education

Teach your personality everything it needs through books, magazines, videos, music and other media.

Create questions for Anamnesis

Define a specific set of questions for your personality to learn more about users. For better, more personalized conversations.

Launch to the world

Bring your personality to life through outgoing streams like Telegram business and others.


Be a producer

If you master a subject and have the intellectual property of a knowledge base or wisdom, you can be a Producer! Create your own Minddhi Personality and transmit your knowledge to millions of people around the world.


The qualifications of a Producer

Knowledge and wisdom can arise from both a formal academic vision and empirical practices. In this sense, simply ensure that you are the holder of the intellectual property of that knowledge or wisdom.


A Producer's earnings

Your knowledge transformed into a product. Earn money from royalties from your Minddhi Personality subscriptions, which will be available worldwide, without language or country limits.


The costs of a Producer

Minddhi's guest producers are free of charge! Standard Producers have a monthly fee to be paid for using the platform. ALL benefits apply equally to all Producers.


The responsibility of being a Producer

It is your sole responsibility not to violate another person's intellectual property, whether physical or legal. Use protected material to produce your own material or misuse any knowledge or wisdom.


Create a base ontology


What is an ontology?

The ontology defines a set of terms and concepts, and is the basis of your Minddhi Personality, these values will shape its behavior, the way it communicates with its users and its basic scope of knowledge.


How to create an ontology

Don't worry, the creation of the ontology is done by the Minddhi production team. Because it follows some standards so that Artificial Intelligence can extract the best results. You will provide the text of this information following a pre-defined template.


A more practical example

  • Your (name) is "Anne Finance".
  • You act as a very patient (personal finance manager) and (assistant) who helps "people" in their "relationships with money".


Start education


What is education?

Educating is providing organized information to structure all personality knowledge. Because it has bases in psychoanalysis and neuroscience, here we are creating the reality of personality, transforming collective knowledge into something personal and meaningful, different from simply repeating or training a machine.


How to educate a Minddhi

A Minddhi is educated naturally by texts in PDFs, videos and audios. Very close to human beings. And this education can be updated with new materials.


Who educates a Minddhi?

Don't worry, the education is done by Minddhi's production team. You will provide all the content, in the formats above, but following a pre-defined model, with fundamental details for a good education.


Create questions for Anamnesis


What is anamnesis?

Anamnesis is a set of personal information provided by the user to allow a private and unique analysis of the Minddhi personality. The anamnesis depends on the area of knowledge and the objective of the Minddhi personality. If it is of a financial nature, you will have questions about your financial situation and that of your family, if it is in the area of nutrition, about your body and diet, if it is in the area of mental health, about your mental state and medications, etc.


How does a Minddhi personality use Anamnesis?

The personality accesses Anamnesis information to specialize responses and treat each user uniquely and according to their needs.


How to create an Anamnesis?

Every professional or area of knowledge knows the questions relevant to their area, being the most qualified to prepare this set that generates answers that help the Minddhi personality to offer the best support and help to users. And the Minddhi team will turn these questions into a form for end users.


Launch to the world


Be ready for launch

  • Signed contract
  • Payment for Producer licensing (If not invited)
  • Ontology loaded
  • Education loaded
  • Anamnese loaded
  • Beta test done

Receive your percentage for subscriptions

Subscription prices are fixed and determined by Minddhi according to the plan chosen by the user. All management and control of users and subscriptions remains with Minddhi. And you get the good part of receiving a percentage (royalties) of each subscription active in your personality, while you sleep, travel or enjoy your life.

F.A.Q. for producers

Frequently asked questions

What is a Producer?

A Producer is a natural or legal person who holds the intellectual property of a strand of knowledge or wisdom of interest to human beings.

How do I become a Producer?

Since you own the intellectual property to become a Producer, you need to follow the process mentioned here and ensure that you meet all the necessary requirements. And ready. You can immediately begin building an intelligent manifestation that transmits your knowledge or wisdom to millions of people in every language on the planet.

What are the qualifications of a Producer?

Knowledge and wisdom can arise from both a formal academic vision and empirical practices. In this sense, no degree is necessary to become a Producer. What is necessary is to ensure that you own the intellectual property of that knowledge or wisdom.

What do I gain from being a Producer?

The top 5 are:
  • Transform your knowledge service into a product. In other words, while you sleep, your intelligent manifestation could be talking to thousands and even millions of people.
  • You will earn royalties for every subscription sold on the planet of your intelligent manifestation.
  • Reach the entire world. Minddhi converts everything you wrote into your language, into every language on the planet. Allowing your knowledge to proliferate without country or language barriers.
  • You will be able to mention other media sources for your smart manifestation. For example, suggest a video of your own where you better explain some concepts and practices.
  • Your intelligent manifestation, through your own insights and thoughts, can evolve alone, helping and transforming your knowledge or wisdom into something even greater.

What does it cost to become a Producer?

There are 2 types of Producer.
  • Guest producers: They are Producers invited by Minddhi. These Producers receive differentiated treatment and have no cost.
  • Standard Producers: There is a monthly fee to be paid for using the platform.
Important: All benefits apply equally to all Producers.

What are the conditions to become a Producer?

Prove that you own the intellectual property of an area of knowledge or wisdom. Any means of proof that clearly demonstrates intellectual property will be accepted. It is not mandatory to have academic degrees. As already mentioned, empirical knowledge or wisdom can be demonstrated and accepted.

What are the risks of becoming a Producer?

Violate another person's intellectual property, whether physical or legal. Using protected material to produce your own material and knowledge, Misusing any knowledge or wisdom.

It is important to note that knowledge exists in the public domain. For example, if an intelligent manifestation deals with Physics, it does not violate any intellectual property citing Newton's laws.

All basic theories in areas of knowledge or wisdom tend to be in the public domain.

The breach of intellectual property generally resides in using someone else's term, some very specific knowledge coined by another source, which you place in your material, without citing its author, implying that it was created by you.

OK, I want to be a producer, how do I do it?

On this page you will find the entire process to become a producer.
  • Just click on one of the buttons [ I want to be a producer ].
  • Contact us using the interest form.
  • If you pass the process, sign the contract.
  • Follow the steps on this page with all the support from our team.